Forever and a Day

It’s been months since my last update because I have been busy and really didn’t feel like writing about what’s going on in my lil corner of the world.

Since I last posted, I discovered another movie that is worse than Bloodrayne…Ultraviolet. A jumbled mass of bad acting, poor script and special effects that depended too much on soft blur. Milla Jovovich is no award winning actress but she was decent in Resident Evil but here in Ultraviolet she as just lame.

I discovered the joy of Firefly. Have since converted Pia, Julius and hopefully soon Rabang over to the cult of the Sci-fi Western.

Our farm project down south is almost complete. It’s been two months of incredible heat despite Pia’s pictures to the contrary

The office also went to Cebu over the weekend. We left Friday evening and were back by Sunday morning. As fun as the trip was, you need more than a day to explore Cebu. We went to Magellan’s Cross, the Basilica, Fort San Pedro and the Taoist Temple. Note: Do not carry heavy backpacks when you have a perfectly good hotel room for storage. By the time we were done at Fort San Pedro we were sweating bullets!

As my souvenir from the trip I bought a small guitar, or as Pia likes to call it, a GIT-TAR.

Now I’m back and working on changing the layout of this place.