A plugin for managing joined fanlistings. Currently in alpha testing.
* Assign multiple categories for a link
* Upload images – will be resized to dimensions specified in settings.
* Classify your links (joined, collective, etc)
- Edit information about the listing
- Link listing
Customize Settings
- Path to images folder: Enter the folder where you want your images to be stored. This is in relation to your `wp-content` folder. The default ‘fanlistings’ will be located in `wp-content/fanlistings`. This folder must exist.
- You must also create two sub-folders within the listing folder: ‘collective’ and ‘joined’
- Maximum Image Dimensions: Define the maximum height and width for joined and collective images. Larger images will be cropped to meet the specified dimensions.
- Override Default Templates: The plugin assumes that you will be using a Page with the slug ‘fandom’ for your listings main page. If you are using a different page slug, check this option to prevent any conflicts with existing ‘fandom’ templates.
Also, be sure to go to Settings >> Permalinks and update your permalinks. Otherwise the fanlisting urls won’t work.
Your links can be accessed from the “Fanlistings” menu. You can add new links and manage your link categories.
Customizing Templates
By default, the plugin will display templates from the ‘template’ folder but these can be overwritten by creating the following files in your theme’s folder:
- Page Template – show the category list. Create a template called page-{slug}.php where ‘slug’ refers to the URL friendly version of your page
- Taxonomy Template – show the individual links in a category. Create a template called taxonomy-fanlisting_cat.php
Page Template
You can make use of WordPress template tags to list link categories:
<?php wp_list_categories( array('taxonomy' => 'fanlisting_cat', 'show_count' => true, 'title_li' => 'Fanlisting Categories' ) ); ?>
<?php wp_tag_cloud(array('taxonomy' => 'fanlisting_cat', 'number' => 45)); ?>
Taxonomy Template
Here you can use custom fanlisting template tags to display data with The Loop.:
fanlisting_url() – Displays the link to the fanlisting
fanlisting_image( ‘type=joined’ ) – Display the image associated with the link. The default is ‘joined’. You may also enter ‘type=collective’.
fanlisting_get_url() – Returns the fanlisting URL
fanlisting_get_image_url – Returns the image URL
Please take a look at the files in the templates folder which comes with the plugin.
Wow, this sounds like a pretty neat and useful plugin. Is it still work in progress? I would love to test it if available^^ Looks great.
I *really* hope that you haven’t lost interest in this plugin, as it sounds like it is exactly what I am looking for. I found your site via a comment you had posted on the Indiscripts site under the Enthusiast update. 🙂
Hi Tia,
I haven’t lost interest but I’ve been swamped with work that I haven’t had time to work on fixes. There’s a working copy available if you want it to test it.
If you need any more testers, I’d love to test for you!